'Bowoon Co., Ltd.' (hereinafter the 'Company') values the personal information of customers and complies with the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.

Through the personal information processing policy, the company informs you about the purpose and method of using the personal information you provide, and what measures are being taken to protect your personal information.

If the company revises the privacy policy, it will be notified through the website notice (or individual notice).

This policy is effective from November 19, 2021.

1. Items of personal information to be collected

- The company does not collect any personal information from customers through the “addFree – Smart Tumbler” App.

2. Civil service related to personal information

In order to protect customers' personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the company has designated the relevant department and personal information manager as follows.

Customer Service Department
Department Name : A/S Department
Phone number : 032-816-0903
Email : bowoon@bowoon.kr
Personal information manager
Name : Kim Kyung-min, CEO
Phone number : 032-816-0903
Email : bowoon@bowoon.kr

If you need to report or consult on other personal information infringement, you can contact the following organizations.

  • - Privacy Infringement Report Center (privacy.kisa.or.kr / 118 without area code)
  • - Cyber Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office (www.spo.go.kr / 1301 without area code)
  • - National Police Agency Cyber Investigation Bureau (police.go.kr / 182 without area code)